Monday, December 3, 2007

Introduction - The Jalen Family


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Welcome to the JALEN Family. The little boy with the thumbs up in ten year old Xaiden, and his little brother is three year old Woalfe. Marion and Colton are the parents. They used to live in the small country town of Rosewood where Colton’s father was mayor. But a mysterious illness ravaged the town, killing nearly half the population, including Colton’s father, younger brother and newly adopted brother. His sister Lucy survived but left as soon as she could to get away from the memories, deciding to go to college in Paris. Marion has been worried about Colton since the deaths. He sometimes will just stand there and stare at nothing. And at other times he won’t interact with his children, even though he used to be the most loving of fathers. (note: I think this is actually a glitch caused by moving houses to a different neighbourhood, but I thought I’d write it into the story line) To get her husband away from the awful memories that Rosewood harboured she talked him into moving to a new up and coming development in Aspen Lake. Now she just hopes that her husband can heal and pull his family back together.

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This is the Jalen Home, set in the country side of Aspen Lake, where the new subdivision developments hasn’t yet reached. Marion choose this home to keep her children surrounded by at least some country. She didn’t want them growing up closed in my subdivision yards and crosswalks. She hopes that the relaxed setting will help her family move on and, yes, hopefully grow too, as she would like to have another child. She has talked to Colton about it and he said it would be fine, but… she wonders if now is a good time to bring a new child into the family.


Hannah said...

They all sound like interesting families. I like the way you wrote glitches ect into the storyline. It makes it seem more real :) Hannah x

Kitty said...

Looks like you are off to a great...start? ...restart? Lol, I like the histories and I'm looking forward to reading more!