Monday, December 3, 2007

Introductions -Coopersmith's

The CooperSmith Family

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Alex Coopersmith is not a stranger to tragedy. After trying for years to get pregnant, the news was finally positive. Him and Suzzie were ecstatic. A few months later though, Suzzie lost the baby. It took a long time for the two of them to heal and Suzzie was too scared to try for a second baby, so they adopted little Adam. Life started to pick up - Suzzie started her acting career and even began to talk about trying for a second biological child. The want to have children of their own was still strong for both of them. But then tragedy struck again. The illness that ravaged rosewood killed his father, step mother and baby step brother. His mother had already died years earlier. Suddenly he found himself responsible for his young teenage sister Kadia. It helped that he had basically raised her while his father worked long hours as town sheriff, but still, no teenager is an angel. With a habit of constantly sneaking out with boys, Alex is worried that another disaster will strike. She says she wants to be a scientist and go to college, but right now it seems like all she wants to do is have fun. Maybe that’s just what being a fifteen year old is all about. Alex just hopes he can handle looking after his wife, two year old Adam, and Kadia all at the same time. (note: Suzzie isn’t in the picture because she was at work when it was taken. Also note, the losing the baby was a real in game event. I downloaded inteenimator, and didn’t realize it came with the miscarriage option. I was too shocked to try for a second baby right away so had t hem adopt instead. I am pleased that Adam is actually very cute)


Galena said...

There is a flavorpak to remove the miscarriage option.

Looks like you're off to a good start.

splayle said...

I'm just waiting for the falvorpaks to be updated for Bon Voyage. The last time I checked they were just for seasons